Our Process

  • Consultation

    Schedule a free consultation with a member of our team or email us a drawing of your project and a few photos of the space. This will allow us to help in the selection process and estimate how many slabs are needed.

  • granite and marble slabs for countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, walls, fireplaces. San Angelo, West Texas, Ballinger, Abilene, Wall, Eldorado, Garden City, Sonora, Del Rio, Midland, Plano


    Select material from our wide range of natural stone, granite, marble, quartz along with porcelain.

  • granite and marble slabs for countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, walls, fireplaces. San Angelo, West Texas, Ballinger, Abilene, Wall, Eldorado, Garden City, Sonora, Del Rio, Midland, Plano


    We use state of the art technology to digitize your kitchen and make CAD files for your project. Then it is coded for our CNC machinery to fabricate your project. These are the final measurements. We will confirm details given during steps 1 and 3, and take notes to ensure the safe, quick, and easy installation of your countertops.

  • granite and marble slabs for countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, walls, fireplaces. San Angelo, West Texas, Ballinger, Abilene, Wall, Eldorado, Garden City, Sonora, Del Rio, Midland, Plano

    Final Confirmation

    Before anything is cut we confirm with our customers that the product to be used and all the project details are to the customers standards.

  • granite and marble slabs for countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, walls, fireplaces. San Angelo, West Texas, Ballinger, Abilene, Wall, Eldorado, Garden City, Sonora, Del Rio, Midland, Plano


    Using the help of CNC Machines and our expert staff, we will take all of the information gathered and fabricate your project!

  • granite and marble slabs for countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, walls, fireplaces. San Angelo, West Texas, Ballinger, Abilene, Wall, Eldorado, Garden City, Sonora, Del Rio, Midland, Plano


    The final and most exciting step! Install! Our in house installation crew is where all of the magic happens. Within a few hours, your dreams of what your project will look like will start to come together right before your eyes.